The Ski-U-Mah Lot Expansion project increased parking for students while ensuring that the runoff is captured in a series of rain gardens around the perimeter. These rain gardens function as stormwater remediation, pollinator gardens, and an aesthetic border to an otherwise unattractive parking lot. 
The following are before and after pictures from the above 'Ski-U-Mah Lot Expansion' installation
The Donhowe CPTED project was started in an effort to increase the overall safety in this area. Overgrown plants, decreased sightlines, lack of lighting and an unoccupied public space were creating an unsafe environment for the general public. 
Murphy Courtyard was originally designed by the first head of the college of landscape architecture of the University of Minnesota, Roger Martin in 1968. This courtyard is one of the oldest remaining modern era landscapes in the state of Minnesota. The following redesign was implemented in an effort to increase the plant presence in the courtyard and create an ADA accessible wheelchair spot on the north end of the courtyard while maintaining the spirit of the original design. 

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